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Upper Deck The Cup
2008-09 Upper Deck The Cup Sets
20 Years of Greatness
Cards: 20
500 Goal Club Swatches
Cards: 18
Auto Rookie Draft Boards
Cards: 50
Autographed Rookie Patches - Level 1
Cards: 6
Autographed Rookie Patches - Level 2
Cards: 66
Autographed Rookies - Non-Patch
Cards: 18
Autographed Rookies, Gold Rainbow
Cards: 18
Autographed Rookies, Gold Rainbow Patch
Cards: 72
Cup Chirography
Cards: 23
Cup Enshrinements
Cards: 41
Cup Foundations - Auto Quad Jerseys
Cards: 69
Cup Foundations - Auto Quad Patches
Cards: 65
Cup Foundations - Quad Jerseys
Cards: 85
Cup Foundations - Quad Patches
Cards: 79
Cup Masterpieces Press Plates - Cup Regular Cards
Cards: 60
Cup Quads - Jerseys
Cards: 17
Cup Quads - Patches
Cards: 15
Cup Trios - Jerseys
Cards: 36
Cup Trios - Patches
Cards: 35
Dual Autographed NHL Shields
Cards: 45
Dual Cup Enshrinements
Cards: 14
Dual Honorable Numbers
Cards: 24
Dual NHL Shields
Cards: 65
Dual Scripted Swatches
Cards: 19
Emblems of Endorsement
Cards: 73
Honorable Numbers
Cards: 50
Legendary Cuts
Cards: 40
Limited Logos
Cards: 75
Programme of Excellence
Cards: 43
Property Of
Cards: 34
Regular Cards - Auto Black Patch, Non-Auto Black Patch and Non-Patch Black Auto
Cards: 60
Regular Cards - Black
Cards: 60
Regular Cards - Black Patch
Cards: 58
Regular Cards - Gold
Cards: 60
Regular Cards - Gold Jersey
Cards: 59
Rookie Cards (Non-Auto) Black
Cards: 90
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - Artifacts Rookies
Cards: 60
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - Artifacts Rookies Redeemed
Cards: 42
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - Auto Future Watch
Cards: 50
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - Auto Ultimate Rookies
Cards: 42
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - Black Diamond Rookie Gems Triple Diamonds
Cards: 21
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - CC Choice Rookies
Cards: 50
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - Champ's Rookies
Cards: 100
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - Ice Premieres Level 1
Cards: 16
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - Ice Premieres Level 2
Cards: 26
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - Ice Premieres Levels 3 & 4
Cards: 42
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - MVP Rookies
Cards: 92
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - OPC Marquee Rookies
Cards: 60
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - OPC Premier Rookies Auto Quad Jerseys
Cards: 42
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - OPC Update Marquee Rookies
Cards: 58
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - Rookie Gems Quad Diamonds
Cards: 21
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - SP Authentic Future Watch
Cards: 40
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - SPGU Authentic Rookies
Cards: 100
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - SPx Auto Rookie Jerseys
Cards: 30
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - SPx Auto Rookie Jerseys (Level 1)
Cards: 6
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - SPx Rookie Jerseys
Cards: 24
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - SPx Rookies
Cards: 30
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - The Cup Auto Rookie Patches
Cards: 90
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - Trilogy Rookie Premieres
Cards: 75
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - UD Black Rookie Lettermen (Non-Auto)
Cards: 58
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - UD Black Rookie Lettermen Redeemed
Cards: 22
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - Ultimate Rookies
Cards: 18
Rookie Masterpieces Press Plates - Victory Rookies
Cards: 50
Rookies (Non-Auto) Platinum
Cards: 90
Scripted Swatches
Cards: 56
Signature Patches
Cards: 41
Signature Patches - SP
Cards: 8
Stanley Cup Signatures
Cards: 21
The Cup
Cards: 60
Triple Cup Enshrinements
Cards: 9