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Upper Deck US History
2004 Upper Deck US History Sets
US History
Cards: 50
US History - Birth of a Nation
Cards: 15
US History - Colonial Days
Cards: 10
US History - Documents, Moments and Places
Cards: 15
US History - Early Americans
Cards: 10
US History - Etched in History Cut Signatures
Cards: 20
US History - Explores
Cards: 50
US History - Famous Americans
Cards: 10
US History - In the 20th Century
Cards: 15
US History - Into the West
Cards: 10
US History - Inventors and Inventions
Cards: 50
US History - Presidential Cuts
Cards: 10
US History - Reconstruction and Reform
Cards: 10
US History - The Greatest Moments in American History
Cards: 25
US History - The Making of America
Cards: 15
US History - The Revolution
Cards: 15
US History - The States and Capitals
Cards: 50
US History - The War Between the States
Cards: 15
US History - U.S. State Quarters Cards
Cards: 30