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SP Legendary Cuts
2004 SP Legendary Cuts Sets
All-Time Autos
Cards: 41
Base Set
Cards: 126
Game Graphs
Cards: 42
Game Graphs Parallel
Cards: 42
Historic Patches
Cards: 15
Historic Quads
Cards: 12
Historic Swatches
Cards: 40
Historic Swatches Parallel
Cards: 41
Historical Cuts
Cards: 19
Legendary Cuts
Cards: 115
Legendary Duels
Cards: 17
Legendary Duos
Cards: 17
Legendary Sigs
Cards: 41
Legendary Swatches
Cards: 41
Legendary Swatches Parallel
Cards: 41
Marked for the Hall
Cards: 42
Marks of Greatness
Cards: 42
Significant Fact Parallel
Cards: 102
Significant Swatches
Cards: 42
Significant Swatches Parallel
Cards: 42
Significant Trips
Cards: 21
Ultimate Autos
Cards: 41
Ultimate Swatches
Cards: 41
Ultimate Swatches Parallel
Cards: 41