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Collectors Choice
1998 Collectors Choice Sets
Base Set
Cards: 529
Cover Glory 5x7
Cards: 10
Evolution Revolution
Cards: 28
Golden Jubilee Jumbos
Cards: 9
Jumbos (3.5x5)
Cards: 15
Jumbos (5x7)
Cards: 10
Mini Bobbing Heads
Cards: 30
Rookie Class: Prime Choice
Cards: 18
StarQuest - Series 1
Cards: 90
StarQuest - Series 2
Cards: 30
StarQuest - Series 2 Doubles
Cards: 30
StarQuest - Series 2 Home Runs
Cards: 30
StarQuest - Series 2 Singles
Cards: 30
StarQuest - Series 2 Triples
Cards: 30
StarQuest Super Powers Jumbos
Cards: 10
Cards: 30
Cards: 30
You Crash the Game
Cards: 88
You Crash the Game Instant Winner
Cards: 88